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We know what its like to be a transit geek.

We know because we too are transit geeks (ones with great attention to transit detail). This page will provide you with some information about our services that most other people are not interest in.

For Transit Geeks

Turn Lists

Some of you ask for our turn lists. Here is a .pdf of the current turn and stop list for each GBT route.

Download Turn Lists

Route Proposals/Schedule Changes

We bet you have some proposals for improving schedules and routing and we would like to hear them. Please send along any of your service planning recommendations to: We’ll consider them in our planning work.

Schedule Collectors

We know that some of you like to collect schedules. You can join our list to have a schedule sent to you each time we update, by emailing us at:

GTFS Data (General Transit Feed Specification)

If you are a more serious transit planner and would like our GTFS Data, please contact our planning department at