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June 2022 • a newsletter to help our riders make the most of GBT Access

Welcome Aboard GBT Access

Happy family with person with a disability

We are pleased that you are riding with us. In this series of newsletters, we will be sharing information to help you make the most of the service.

GBT Access operates during the same days and hours of service at the GBT city bus and, until the end of this November, it is free.

In this issue we will be sharing information about the pick-up window (when you need to be ready) who can ride along with you, how you can sign-up for our email version of this newsletter, and how to reach us if you are having a problem.

Also, please remember that everything you need to know about GBT Access can be found 24/7 at Travel safe!

Thanks for goin’gbt.

Time to Go

When your travel day has arrived, here are a few tips to make your trip
go smoothly.

Chart: Pickup Window

Be ready and waiting during the half hour pick-up “window” — you will
need to remember your pick-up time from your reservation and will need to be waiting where the driver can easily find you. The driver will provide door-to-door assistance to doors at ground level but cannot enter the home of any rider at any time or lift a rider in or out of a vehicle.

The driver will wait up to five minutes for you after he/she arrives. After that, they must move on to their next pick-up. You will need to have your Access identification card to present to the driver when boarding the bus.

Your driver will assist you in loading and unloading grocery bags. Drivers cannot carry bags from stores or into homes. You should take only as many bags/packages as you can manage — we recommend no more than three. Be sure that your bags do not block the walkways or use any seating needed by other riders.

Sometimes weather, traffic conditions, or unexpected events may delay the bus. If the bus has not arrived by the end of the half hour pick-up “window,” you may call the Access dispatch office at 203-366-7070 to inquire about your ride.

Who Can Travel with Me?

Student in a wheelchair with an assistant

It is sometimes hard to manage alone. Access allows others to travel with you, including Escorts and Personal Care Attendants (PCA). An escort is a friend or companion that you may want to take along on your trip. Escorts are required to pay the full fare. A PCA is a person who assists the eligible rider with daily life functions and may provide assistance during the ride or at the destination. The PCA does not pay a fare. Your PCA should be registered with Access.

Your Customer Service Representative must be informed that you will be traveling with an Escort or Personal Care Attendant otherwise; we may not be able to accommodate them. All escorts and PCA’s must have the same pick-up time, origin and destination as the eligible rider.

Customer Service

Person with a disability

We care and want to ensure that your ride with us is enjoyable. If you are having problems we would like to know.

Please direct all complaints and comments to our Customer Service Department:

Call: 203-366-7070, Ext. 131 • 9 am – 4 pm, Monday through Friday
Or, Email:

Available 24/7

Everything you need to know to make the most of the GBT Access is available on our website.

Newsletter Signup

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