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Meet GBT Bus Rider, Leon

Meet Leon

Goin’ GBT “just about all my life”

We met Leon as he was waiting for his bus on the platform at the GBT bus station. Leon is a retired welding machine operator that lives in Trumbull, Connecticut. A senior citizen with a disability, he’s been riding buses all his life.

Leon depends on public transportation to get him where he needs to go. He takes about three or four trips a day across all routes to take him to healthcare appointments, grocery shopping, other day-to-day activities, and, in previous years, school and work.

GBT runs on 17 different routes and has 1,400+ bus stops throughout the Greater Bridgeport Region, including Trumbull, Stratford, Fairfield, Norwalk, Milford, Shelton, and Derby. “Most buses go to where I need to go, but if I had to pick something to improve, I would say more Sunday service.”

Leon doesn’t have many other mobility options, which means he also needed to ride the bus throughout the pandemic. Although it was less frequent because of limitations brought on by the pandemic, Leon said it didn’t bother him to ride because he figured people were vaccinated and had to wear masks. “Plus, I’m in a wheelchair, so I never had to get close. I felt safe.”

When asked what he would do if there were no bus service Leon laughed, pointing to his motorized wheelchair, “I would probably use my spaceship.” He continued to explain, “My wheelchair is my only other option with my back problems and limited mobility.”

Leon relies on public transportation to connect him with people, places and possibilities.

I would probably use my spaceship.

―Leon B.

Thanks for Goin’ GBT

Ridership is back up to 97% of pre-pandemic levels — 401k rides in June!

Since January, there has been steady growth in bus ridership throughout the region.

Chart: GBT Ridership December 2019 - June 2022

In June, more than 401,000 trips were taken, making it the highest ridership month since the beginning of the pandemic and returning the bus system to about 97% of pre-pandemic ridership levels. Welcome back!

Illustration: GBT Passengers Per Service Mile, June 2022

One measurement of bus service productivity is the number of trips per hour of service. In June, GBT exceeded 29 trips per bus, per hour. This exceeds the pre-pandemic national average which was 27 trips per bus, per hour.

There’s no question customers are really enjoying it [free fares], and benefitting from it. They’re getting a break when inflation is causing other prices to rise.

— Doug Holcomb, CEO, GBT | CT Transit bus ridership is recovering, in part because of free fares | CT Mirror

Customer Service

We’re interested in your thoughts

We at GBT want to ensure that you have an enjoyable experience while aboard our buses. Please reach out to us if you have a problem or an idea or suggestion.

You may contact us at any time by visiting us on the web, by phone, through email, or direct mail.

How to Contact Us

You can fill out an online form on our website at any time.


Alternatively, you can call a customer service representative at 203-333-3031 during the following times:

  • Monday – Friday: 6 am – 6 pm
  • Weekends and Holidays: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Or, you can mail us at:
Customer Service
One Cross Street
Bridgeport, CT 06610

You can email us at:

If you have something to report, GBT has a customer service team and process in place to review all submissions:

  1. All submissions are reviewed in a weekly team meeting.
  2. If the submission requires further information, a team member is assigned to conduct an investigation.
  3. Once all the facts are compiled, GBT will respond to you, if you provided your contact information.
  4. We use what we learn from our customers to improve the service.

We value the opportunity to hear your thoughts and learn more about your on-board experience. Often, the best service improvement ideas come from our riders!

Thanks for goin’ gbt.

CT DOT Wants to Hear from You

CT DOT Customer Experience Action Plan

Connecticut DOT wants to hear about your transit experience to inform the development of the first ever Customer Experience (CX) Action Plan that will clearly outline future programs, policies, and priority investments to improve transit throughout Connecticut.

Complete the entire survey for a chance to be entered into a drawing for a $75 pre-paid cash gift card!


Valid email address or phone number required to be entered to win 1 of 3, $75 pre-paid cash gift cards. Drawing will take place on September 1, 2022. Winners will be notified by email or by phone.

To learn more about the CX Action Plan, visit

Ride Free Now through November 30, 2022

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