Wear A Mask ● February 3, 2021
TOPICS: Mask Up! ● Upcoming Mask Giveaways ● Mask FAQs
Thank You for Wearing a Mask
We have all come to know that wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways of preventing the spread of COVID-19. Most GBT riders have been using masks since last spring and we thank you for that.
Masks are Now a Federal Requirement
Effective February 1, 2021, and in response to President Biden’s Executive Order 13998, it is now a federal requirement that masks be worn by all users of public transportation.

Photo Credit: whitehouse.gov
According to the Executive Order:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Surgeon General, and the National Institutes of Health have concluded that mask-wearing, physical distancing, appropriate ventilation, and timely testing can mitigate the risk of travelers spreading COVID-19. Accordingly, to save lives and allow all Americans, including the millions of people employed in the transportation industry, to travel and work safely, it is the policy of my Administration to implement these public health measures consistent with CDC guidelines on public modes of transportation and at ports of entry to the United States.
Let’s Keep Protecting Each Other
Please help protect yourself, other riders, and GBT drivers by complying with the mask requirement. Be sure that you wear a mask when on board any GBT bus, at any GBT stop, and at the Water Street Station.
Upcoming Mask Give Aways
Because of the importance of mask wearing, GBT will be giving away masks at the Water Street Station at the following dates and times. Please visit and pick up one for yourself and a spare to be sure you are covered.
Tuesday ● FEB 9 ● 7 – 9 am
Tuesday ● FEB 16 ● 1 – 3 pm
Tuesday ● FEB 23 ● 4 – 6 pm
According to frequently asked questions at the U.S. DOT…
How does CDC Define a Mask?
Mask means a material covering the nose and mouth of the wearer, excluding face shields.
Are there any exemptions to this order?
Yes, but they are very limited:
- A child under the age of 2 years;
- A person with a disability who cannot wear a mask, or cannot safely wear a mask, because of the disability.
How long is the mask order in effect?
The Order went into effect on February 1, 2021 and will remain in effect for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency, and as determined by the CDC.
May passengers remove masks when they are in a restroom or at a transportation hub?
No, there is no exception for passengers who are in a restroom. A passenger is required to wear a mask the entire time while they are on the conveyance or at a transportation hub.
Who can I contact if I have questions about the requirement to wear a mask?
You can submit your questions directly to GBT here.
Can I be prevented from riding if I don’t wear a mask?
Yes. Public transportation operators can limit boarding and entry to only those persons who wear a mask.