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GBT Access Newsletter

A newsletter to help our riders make the most of GBT Access

Woman in a Wheelchair

Working to Improve

We have been working to improve the quality of our Access service.

This year we have added new buses to our fleet, hired new drivers, and have made changes to ensure it is easy to reach our reservation agents. While traffic and weather may sometimes impact service, we are always working to get you to where you need to go on time.

One of the ways we measure service is called “on-time performance” – how often we get to destinations on time. Over the last six months we have made changes to improve on-time performance which is now approaching ninety percent.

We hope you have noticed these changes. And, we are still working on improving Access because we know it is important to you.

“The drivers are all kind, patient, and outstanding in their work and how they treat me.” — GBT Access Rider A.B., May 31, 2023

Change of Plans?

Please Let Us Know

It may surprise you to know that every day, many riders who planned to  travel do not and don’t let us know they have changed their travel plans. When the bus arrives and the rider does not travel, that trip could have been provided to another person. This also delays the bus.

If you have a change in your travel plans, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can adjust the schedule to provide service for another rider.

Cancellations the Day Before

To cancel your ride the day before your planned trip, call 203-579-7777 and select “1” for our reservation office. Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm.

If you are calling after 4:30pm, please call back the next morning at 8:30am. If your ride is before that, call 203-579-7777 and select “2” for our dispatch office.

Cancellations the Same Day

To cancel your ride the same day of your planned trip, call 203-579-777 and select “2” for our dispatch office.

Being Ready

The Pick-Up Window

We are depending on you. With the service as busy as it has been, we are asking that all riders be ready when the bus arrives. Our reservation agents will provide riders with a pick-up time and a pick-up window. The pick-up window will be from 15 minutes before the agreed to pick-up time to 15 minutes after that time.

Pickup Window Chart

The bus may arrive at any time in this window and we ask that riders be ready to go at any time within this window. To keep the service on-time for everyone, drivers will only be able to wait for five minutes after they arrive for you to begin your boarding. After that, they will need to go on to the next stop.

If you have any questions about the pick-up window, please feel free to call our customer service office at: 203-366-7070 x131.

Accessible Information

Information is available in alternative formats. Anyone needing service information in any accessible formats should call the Customer Service Department: 203-366-7070, x131

Reasonable Modifications

A reasonable modification means GBT staff takes the time to learn what we can do to ensure access to our service. We consider variations to the usual ways we provide service, to assist riders with disabilities to ensure that any individual’s disability does not preclude her/him from having access to GBT’s services.

Find out more about reasonable modifications by calling 203-366-7070 x131 or visiting GBTs website at

Stay in Touch, Stay Connected.

Call Us

203-366-7070 X131

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