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Along the Lines with CTDOT 🚌 Customers, Bus Stops, Service Expansion

Bus Riders

Along the Lines with the CTDOT

Customer Experience, Service Expansion, Bus Stop Improvements and More.

Tune in to the latest episode of Along the Lines with host Ben Limmer and discover details about the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (CTDOT) recent Customer Experience Action Plan. Special guests Alicia Leite from CTDOT and Doug Holcomb from GBT share customer feedback and their insights on CTDOT’s initiatives to improve the quality of public transit in Connecticut. Don’t miss this episode to learn more about the measures being taken to provide more accessible and enjoyable public transportation.

Along the Lines Podcast



Building More Bus Shelters

Since 2014, GBT has installed over 50 new bus shelters throughout the region, incuding a new hub at the Trumbull Mall with five shelters. Currently, we’re planning new shelters to be installed in the Spring of 2024.

GBT BUs Shelters Map



Service Expansion in 2024

Routes 19, 22x and 23

Expansion to all day service on routes 19x and 22x and 23 is currently being planned for 2024. These routes serve employment locations and the Derby Rail Station, allowing for connections to New York, New Haven, and Waterbury. These routes serve the communities of Stratford, Trumbull, Derby, Shelton, Bridgeport, Monroe.



Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023

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Election Day is November 7


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