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Fares for bus service to resume on April 1, 2023.

ZipTrip — Time to Ride

When it’s time to pay your fare, the GBT ZipTrip program gives you a wide range of easy, money-saving choices.

NEW: Two Hours!
120-minute ZipTrip Pass • $1.75

Available only on the bus.
You will need exact change when you board.

All-day ZipTrip Pass • $4.00

Available only on the bus.
You will need exact change when you board.

NEW: Two Hours!
120-minute Senior / Disabled ZipTrip Pass • $0.85

Available only on the bus.
You will need exact change when you board.

Please note that the proper I.D. is required at boarding when taking advantage of the Senior/Disabled Fare. Proper I.D. includes a Medicare card or the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Transit Reduced Fare Photo Identification Card for Senior Citizens (65 years or older) and Persons with a Qualifying Disability (any age). If you would like an application for this card, please call 203-333-3031.

ZipTrip 7-Day Unlimited • $17.50

Purchase at the bus station or at area Stop & Shops.
Find out where to buy here.

ZipTrip 31-Day Unlimited • $70.00

Purchase at the bus station or at area Stop & Shops.
Find out where to buy here.

ZipTrip Youth Pass • $45

Use the GBT Bus System for a 31-day period for $45 with proper ID. Must be 17 years of age or younger. Available at the bus station ticket booth.

Where to Buy

7- and 31-Day ZipTrip passes can be purchased at the GBT bus station or at select Stop & Shops in Bridgeport, Stratford, Trumbull and Fairfield. Find out where to buy here.


Transit Royale App for Free.

Connecticut Transit Royale Program

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is providing Connecticut residents with a free one-year subscription to the Transit Royale app, which is part of the app called Transit. The free program began on February 14, 2023.

If you were a previous user of the Transit Royale app, the upgrade was automatically added to your account.

The Transit app provides transit information, real-time updates, customized themes, and more.

The Transit app helps public transit riders plan and track their bus and train trips using schedule information and real-time vehicle location, where available. You can download the app on either iPhone or Droid platforms.



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