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Coronavirus News #13 ● for GBT Riders & the Public ● July 17, 2020

Coronavirus News for GBT Riders & the Public

Bus Service Modifications for Route 17

Effective Monday, July 20, 2020

On Monday, July 20, 2020, service modifications to GBT Route 17 will go into effect. Route 17 will be running a modified service schedule, Monday-Saturday. There is no service on Sundays. Previously, Route 17 service was suspended during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The previous service modifications, effective 6/14/2020 are to remain in effect as well.



Face Coverings Required on Buses

Riders should practice social distancing and wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus. Most are cooperating and we thank you for that.

Some riders are still traveling without masks or face coverings of any kind. This is a danger to themselves and other riders.

Wear A Mask. Protect Yourself. Protect Others. #InThisTogether

On Saturday, April 18, 2020, Connecticut Governor Lamont issued an Executive Order requiring the use of masks in public spaces where social distancing is difficult. This includes riding the bus.

Enter and Exit the Bus Through The Rear Doors

Drivers will not be enforcing fare collections during this crisis and the date for the start of enforcement of fare collection is not yet known. Enter and exit through the rear doors of the bus. This will help maintain social distancing to protect drivers and passengers alike. Riders with mobility devices and those requiring the “kneeling” of the bus, may, of course, use the front door.

Reducing the Number of Riders Per Bus

If the buses have too many people on them, we may have to pass by riders waiting at bus stops. Riders will have to wait for the next bus. If this happens, you will see a “Next Bus Please” on the destination sign.

Sit Away From Others On The Bus

On the busiest routes and times of day, we may run “Shadow Buses” ─ a second bus behind the first bus ─ to pick up any people who are still waiting. We may not be able to do this on all routes at all times due to the number of buses and drivers we have.

Stay Away From the Bus Driver

Don’t interact with the bus driver unless you have a special need. Respect the driver’s space. Always leave at least six feet between you and the bus driver.

Stay Away From The Bus Driver.

Bus drivers are working on the front lines to insure people can get to essential jobs at medical facilities and other places like grocery stores and pharmacies.

We need our bus drivers to stay healthy so we can all get through this together. Bus drivers are doing important work and are providing a necessary public service.

Don’t Ride Just Because It’s Free

The temporary cessation of fare collection during this crisis has been implemented to protect drivers and riders by reducing interactions and to stop people from touching the fare box.

Don’t Get on the Bus if You Are Sick

Don’t travel in public if you are sick or suspect you may be sick.

All Riders Must Exit the Bus During Layovers

At the end of each trip, the driver will be instructing all riders to exit the bus during the layover. This is for everyone’s protection. Please follow the direction of your driver.

Stay Away From Others.

Remember These Simple Guidelines

  • Wear a mask or face covering.
  • Stay away from others.
  • Do not travel if you are sick or suspect you may be sick.
  • Do not travel if you do not have to.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water often.
  • Use hand sanitizer frequently.

Our bus drivers are counting on you to do the right thing.

We All Need Bus Drivers

Our ability to provide continued service depends on the health and availability of our drivers and other employees. It is critical that we all work together to follow these rules so that our community is strong and resilient.

“Thanks so much to the brave and bold bus drivers for getting people to and from work safely. Words cannot even begin the show of care for people who can't drive and disabled persons. Please if you want to help those who can not, learn how to drive a bus. It is not hard and it is fun. :)”— Shannon J., 7/8/2020

“All the drivers should be commemorated for their willingness to come to work and drive the buses amid a virus that is contagious. However, special thanks go out to the trainers and supervisors for their guidance to their drivers in the time of needs during pick up and drop off through the city of Bridgeport and other province.”— Robert L., 7/4/2020

“A huge thank you to all of the GBT bus drivers for their service. Your jobs are truly very essential to all who do not have a car of their own and must rely on public transportation.”— Linda N., 6/25/2020

Help us let bus drivers know how much we value the work they are doing ─ send a Thank You to our bus drivers online. We will make sure that our bus drivers get the messages that you send in.

Thank Bus Drivers >>

For Essential Employers

We are working with area businesses and leaders to ensure that essential workers can still get to jobs. If you are an Essential Employer that has workers impacted by recent service changes or service during the phased reopening, please contact us.

Contact GBT >>

Service Announcements

Visit, Facebook, and twitter daily to check for service announcements.

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